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2014 archive

Follow this link to see what Toronto mayoral candidates have to say about nuclear disarmament

From Despair to Hope:
Preventing Catastrophic Harm

Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at 6:45 pm
Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

From despair...

Hiroshima, August 6, 1945
Nagasaki, August 9, 1945
Marshall Islands, 1946-​1958

... to hope

The Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons conferences:
Oslo, March 2-​9 2013
Nayarit, February 11-​15 2014
Vienna, December 6-​9 2014

Featured speaker: Cesar Jaramillo
Project Ploughshares
on the Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons


  • Toronto and Hiroshima Peace Declarations
  • Yakudo Drummers
  • Toronto Gospel Church Choir
  • Raging Grannies
  • Lantern Ceremony

[ Poster download here ]

Hiroshima Day 2014

Preventing Catastrophic Harm: From Despair to Hope

Wednesday, August 6, 2014 at 6:45 pm
Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto

Featured speaker: Cesar Jaramillo
Project Ploughshares
on the Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons


Full event schedule (provisional)
4:30 Community Tables open to the public
6:45 Musical Performance
6:55 Yakudo Traditional Japanese Drummers
7:05 Opening Remarks by M.C. Dr. Vinay Jindal, Chair of the Hiroshima Day Coalition
7:10 Opening Prayer
Toronto Area Interfaith Council
7:15 City of Toronto Hiroshima Day Proclamation
7:25 City of Hiroshima Proclamation
Setsuko Thurlow, International Peace Activist and Survivor
7:35 Performance by the Toronto Gospel Church Choir
7:50 Keynote Speaker: Cesar Jaramillo, Project Ploughshares
The Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons
8:15 Toronto's Raging Grannies
8:25 Yakudo Traditional Japanese Drummers
8:35 Closing Prayer
8:40 Lantern ceremony with musical accompaniment

See also our letter to Toronto mayoral candidates, in which we invite them to state their commitment to nuclear abolition and the work of Mayors for Peace.

Poster downloads: 2014 HDC event poster (letter-size) | 2014 HDC event flyer (half letter-size)

Hiroshima/Nagasaki poster display: 2014 dates

August 4th to 10th in the Toronto City Hall Rotunda, 9 am to 5 pm daily; 10 am to 5 pm on August 10th.

Across Canada events

Calgary, AB, Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Annual Memorial 8:30 PM, Olympic Plaza
Douglas Roche will speak at event and also at 11:30 AM at Parkdale United Church

Hamilton, ON, Wednesday 6 August 2014
Noon, vigil at Peace Pole behind City Hall, 71 Main St. West

Kingston, ON, August 6
Skeleton (McBurney) Park, Ordnance Street, 7 PM to dusk

Ottawa, ON, Wednesday 6 August 2014
Quaker Meeting House, 91A Fourth Avenue
Gather at 6PM to make lanterns, followed by short presentation on progress toward nuclear disarmament and song at 7:30 and then walk to pond to float lanterns at dusk

Castlegar, BC 6 August 2014 Hiroshima Day
6 pm @ the Mir Center Selkirk College with speakers and entertainment.

Grand Forks, BC 9 August 2014 —Nagasaki Day
7 pm in Gyro Park with speakers with speakers and entertainment.

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